Trump Proposed Slashing NOAA’s Budget—Something Amazing is Happening in Response

We know that the Trump administration wants to cut NOAA’s budget bone-deep, proposing a nearly one-billion-dollar budget cut for America’s world-class ocean agency. But something amazing has been happening in the days since those devastating cuts were leaked to the Washington Post: People are saying “No!”

Americans are making clear that they’re not willing to stand by and let NOAA get gutted. The agency’s work is just too important. And our friends and neighbors are starting to fight back.

Today, in a massive show of support for NOAA and the world-class scientists that predict our weather, explore our oceans, and protect our marine fish and wildlife, 371 organizations and community leaders from across America sent a letter asking Congress to just say no. The letter expresses “extreme dismay” at the proposed cuts, and asks Congress to block the Trump administration’s NOAA cuts from becoming a reality.

The organizations and community leaders who signed this letter come from every corner of America and every walk of life, from oyster farmers and state legislators to bird watchers:

  • Organizations and individuals from 29 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands have added their voices to this letter. It got signatures from Montana and South Dakota to California and Florida.
  • It includes signatures from than 100 prominent researchers and scientists.
  • More than 50 national and regional organizations joined the letter, ranging from environmental groups to business and industry interests.
  • 22 members of the Maine’s State Legislature signed on, ensuring an especially strong shout-out of support for the importance of NOAA for the state of Maine and its coastal economy.

When the Washington Post reported on the devastating cuts that might befall NOAA, it was a major wake-up call. But the good news is, people are showing up and speaking out against it.

We asked you to send a letter to your Senator asking Congress to block these budget cuts and we are blown away by the response. Tens of thousands of people across America have sent letters to their Senators so far. And we’ve had hundreds more calling their members of Congress, too!

And you know what? It’s starting to work. A bipartisan group of Senators from Maine, Hawaii and Alaska have sent a letter to the Trump administration expressing deep concerns about the proposed NOAA budget cuts. If members of Congress keep getting more emails and phone calls each day from concerned citizens, those six senators will just be the beginning.

What happens next depends on all of us, and the chorus of voices supporting NOAA is growing.

Will you be a part of it?

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