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A Voice for our Ocean

MEDIA AVAILABILITY: Ocean Conservancy Experts Head to Plastics Treaty Negotiations in Nairobi

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NAIROBI, KENYA – A delegation of ocean plastic pollution experts from Ocean Conservancy will be attending and participating in the third round of negotiations (INC-3) for the international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution. Widely known as the “global plastics treaty,” the agreement aims to curb the global plastic pollution crisis, of which the ocean often bears the brunt.

As a UN-accredited observer organization, Ocean Conservancy has played an active role in shaping the ILBI to ensure it prevents and protects the ocean from plastic pollution. Ocean Conservancy has identified five main priorities for inclusion in the plastics treaty, which include plastics source reduction, measures to address secondary microplastics, plastic fishing and aquaculture gear, design for circularity, and a just transition for informal sector waste collectors.

INC-3 is a critical point in the negotiations because it is the first time that negotiators have met since the release of the zero draft, the foundational text upon which the final agreement will be based. Following the release of the zero draft in September, Ocean Conservancy released a comprehensive breakdown of how it addresses each of Ocean Conservancy’s five priorities and where it could be strengthened. You can find Ocean Conservancy’s full response HERE. If you would like to set up an interview with one of Ocean Conservancy’s plastics policy experts about the treaty or any of Ocean Conservancy’s priorities, please contact Roya Fox at 202-280-6285 or [email protected].

Who:Ocean Conservancy’s experts in attendance include: Edith Cecchini, Director of International Plastics Dr. Anja Brandon, Associate Director of U.S. Plastics Policy Felipe Victoria, Senior Manager for International Policy Hannah Pragnell-Raasch, Project Specialist for the Global Ghost Gear Initiative  
What:Third round of negotiations for the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution.
When:November 13-19, 2023
Where:United Nations Environment Programme Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya
Contact:Roya Fox, Communications Manager, Ocean Conservancy: [email protected]; +1(202)280-6285


About Ocean Conservancy Ocean Conservancy is working to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together with our partners, we create evidence-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it. For more information, visit, or follow us on Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter) or Instagram.

Media Contact

Roya Fox



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