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A Voice for our Ocean

STATEMENT: New Offshore Oil and Gas Leases Strangling our Ability to Move Towards a True Clean Ocean Energy Future

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WASHINGTON, DC – The following statement was issued by Andrew Hartsig, Arctic Program Senior Director, in response to the Biden Administration’s National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Proposed Final Program for 2024-2029:

“At a time when the climate crisis is more visible and destructive than ever, the last thing we need is more fossil fuel extraction. While this Plan may include a historically low number of lease sales, allowing any offshore oil and gas lease sales puts the long-term stability of our climate and the health of our ocean at risk.

Our ocean belongs to all of us, but for too long the fossil fuel industry has had a stronghold on our waters with devastating consequences. Offshore oil and gas development fuels our changing climate and warming ocean waters, hurts marine life with its inevitable oil spills, and litters the ocean floor with countless miles of abandoned pipelines. 

If the Administration is serious about meeting its own climate goals and protecting our ocean, it must end our reliance on fossil fuels and truly transition the country to a clean energy future. This means working with Congress to sever the tie between oil and gas and offshore wind leases, placing more stringent environmental protections on offshore oil and gas activity, including decommissioning, and focusing on driving forward responsible offshore wind that include protections for marine wildlife. Our ocean and communities need us to go all in on clean ocean energy choices, and put a hard stop on dirty and dangerous oil and gas.”


Andrew Hartsig is available for interviews upon request.


  • The 2024—2029 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Proposed Final Program can be found here.
  • There will be a 60-day review period, after which time the Secretary of the Interior can approve the Final Program and issue a Record of Decision on the Final EIS.


Ocean Conservancy is working to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together with our partners, we create evidence-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it. For more information, visit, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

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Elizabeth Greener



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