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Kevin Allexon

Kevin Allexon

Former Senior Manager, Government Relations

Kevin Allexon is the former Senior Manager of Government Relations, where he advocates before Congress and Executive Branch agencies on behalf of policies addressing the growing global marine debris problem and the need for sound fisheries management. Kevin is a seasoned government affairs professional, having previously worked as a congressional staffer, a senior policy official for the NOAA Administrator and in the private sector. During his tenure at NOAA, Kevin played an integral role in the 2006 reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Management & Conservation Act, leading the effort to develop the Administration’s proposed reauthorization legislation and then working with Congress to ensure its passage. 

Kevin has a degree in political science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Even though he’s originally from the Midwest, Kevin loves the ocean, especially the Gulf Coast of Florida, where he vacations with his family every year.

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