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Shamini Selvaratnam

Shamini Selvaratnam

International Climate and Clean Energy Associate Director
Washington, D.C.

Shamini Selvaratnam is an accomplished professional with experience in building strategic partnerships and shaping international policies. She has exceptional skills in energy transition, climate change mitigation, and developing renewable energy solutions. Her current focus at Ocean Conservancy is on promoting ocean-based clean energy solutions and advancing renewable energy investments. Shamini has a rich background working with the private sector, governments, and multilateral institutions. Her career highlights include key roles at UNDP, the World Bank, and in the private sector in the renewables industry. During her time at UNDP, she played a pivotal role as the Energy Partnerships Lead for the Sustainable Energy Hub. At the World Bank, she made significant contributions as a senior consultant for the Sustainable Renewables Risk Mitigation program and as the External Affairs lead for the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition. Shamini also served as the Environment & Climate Action Working Group Lead for UN Global Compact Canada. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and Communications and a Master of Science degree in Climate Change and Development.


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