Ocean Conservancy

A healthy ocean.
A thriving planet.


Our Mission

Ocean Conservancy is working with you to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together, we create evidence-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it.

of making an impact
pounds of trash removed
volunteers working together
Since 1972 …
Throughout our history, we’ve depended on the support of dedicated ocean advocates like you.
Learn More
What happens to the ocean impacts all of us.
Janis Searles Jones
Chief Executive Officer, Ocean Conservancy

Our Programs

Advancing Ocean Justice
Advancing Ocean Justice

At Ocean Conservancy, our advocacy for the global ocean is predicated on our commitment to ocean justice – which we define as the fair and equitable distribution of both the benefits of the ocean’s bounty and the burdens of its complex care.

Confronting Climate Change
Confronting Climate Change

Our Ocean Futures Initiative is working to understand the interactive effects of stressors like climate change and acidification on our ocean.

Government Relations
Government Relations

From our headquarters in Washington D.C., we’re working to ensure that our ocean gets the funding and attention it requires.

Protecting Florida
Protecting Florida

For Florida’s ocean and coasts, this is an all-hands-on-deck moment. It’s going to require action on all levels—from individual citizens to powerful policy makers in Tallahassee and Washington D.C. to local leaders in the cities and towns across the state.

Protecting the Arctic
Protecting the Arctic

We’re dedicated to working with indigenous communities, legislators, scientists and people like you to advocate for evidence-based solutions to protect this fragile ecosystem.

Smart Ocean Planning
Smart Ocean Planning

Smart ocean planning helps coastal communities to develop strong, sustainable local economies that can live alongside healthy ocean ecosystems and wildlife.

Sustainable Fisheries
Sustainable Fisheries

Our Fish team is working to reduce overfishing, rebuild vulnerable fish populations and preserve fish populations.

Trash Free Seas
Trash Free Seas

We’re working on innovative solutions to reduce the amount of trash that ends up in our ocean, threatening ocean wildlife through ingestion and entanglement.

Make a Difference for Our Ocean

Support from donors like you is critical to develop solutions to our ocean’s greatest challenges, like plastic pollution, risky drilling and the climate crisis. Make a gift today to this essential conservation work and be a part of our vision for a healthier ocean. We can’t do it without you.

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