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Confronting Climate Change

Taking the ocean into account is critical for successfully addressing climate change, and addressing climate change is critical for the future of the ocean

It’s Time to Shift to Clean Ocean Energy

Let’s reach 100% clean ocean energy by 2050

Climate change is the biggest threat facing our ocean. Every day we see its alarming effects on ocean ecosystems and coastal communities: intense ocean heat waves, coral reefs bleaching, melting sea ice, habitat changes, sea life population declines and devastating damage due to stronger and more frequent hurricanes. Each one is a grave reminder that to protect our ocean, we must address climate change. Our most promising strategy is to transition away from harmful oil and gas to responsible clean energy.

Luckily, ocean-based climate solutions can help solve the climate crisis. According to the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy the ocean has the potential to contribute as much as one-third of the annual greenhouse gas emission cuts needed to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C., through restoring coastal and marine ecosystems, decarbonizing maritime transportation, scaling marine renewable energy and others.

The most significant of these opportunities is ending fossil fuels and shifting to clean ocean energy.

At Ocean Conservancy, we believe a responsible, rapid and just transition to the ocean as a source of 100% clean energy by 2050 is both possible and essential. Through science-based research, smart policy, accessible finance and global collaboration, we can create a better future—one where our ocean is healthy, marine wildlife is resilient and protected from climate change, and clean ocean energy supports our country’s energy needs while providing good paying jobs with cleaner air and water for all.

Let’s change course

Protecting the ocean, us and our planet from climate change will take a comprehensive shift away from harmful oil and gas to responsible clean ocean energy. This transition will require coordinated, long-term strategies including: responsible planning, with no future oil and gas leases, a global reduction in plastic production, and smart structuring of offshore wind development to be safe for marine life; a reconfiguration of ocean energy financing, including phasing out oil and gas subsidies, and mobilizing funding for marine renewable energy; and smart end-of-life processes for infrastructure in the ocean are safer and more accountable. Find recommendations to get there below:

How policymakers can expand offshore wind

Responsible offshore wind can meet our needs for reliable, clean alternatives to offshore oil and gas.

The role of concessional finance for offshore wind

Find strategies to jump start financing to transition to clean ocean energy in developing countries.

Scaling Offshore Wind – G20 Policy Recommendations

Increasing urgency & cooperation to scale up ocean renewable energy are critical to addressing climate change.

Strengthening Standards for Offshore Oil and Gas Decommissioning

Policymakers need to hold oil and gas accountable to clean up infrastructure when it’s done being used.

Policies to develop wave and tidal energy

Wave & tidal energy can provide remote communities access to clean energy.

Closing the plastics gap in NDCs

Phasing out fossil fuels cannot happen without a dramatic reduction in plastic production.

The latest news

Find the latest blogs and articles on renewable ocean energy.

Make Waves for Our Ocean

By paving the way for a new clean ocean energy future, we can reduce our dependence on dirty fossil fuels and protect the ocean and its wildlife and communities from the worst impacts of climate change. Take action to create a better future for our ocean.

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