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Join the movement to protect our ocean

Turn July Into Plastic Pollution Action Month

The ocean is a terrible thing to waste…With more than a garbage truck of trash entering our ocean every minute of every day, plastic pollution is only getting worse. Tell Congress it’s time to tackle plastic pollution.
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Banning Toxics in Plastics

We’re trying to get 10,000 people during Plastic Free July to call on our elected officials to support the Banning Toxics from Plastic Bottles Act. Add your name now.
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Plastic Production is a Dirty Business

Act now: Tell Congress to support the Protecting Communities from Plastics Act. Protect our ocean and our communities from plastics and the many ways they pollute our planet.
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The U.S. Must Address Plastic Pollution

Now more than ever, the U.S. must develop a comprehensive approach to combat plastic pollution. Tell the Biden administration there is no time to waste when tackling the plastic crisis.
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Microfibers Are a Mega-Problem

Take action with Ocean Conservancy and call on your elected leaders to address microfiber pollution now.
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Microplastics Are a Massive Problem

Next month, Ocean Conservancy will advise negotiators working on a global plastics treaty to end the plastic pollution crisis. Join Ocean Conservancy in urging negotiators to create lasting solutions to keep microplastics out of our ocean and our bodies.
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Keep Balloon Litter Out of Our Ocean

When balloons are released into the sky, they eventually come down—and they often end up in our ocean and harm wildlife and marine ecosystems. ACT NOW: Call on your state lawmakers to enact statewide balloon-release ban legislation.
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Phasing Out Plastic Foam

Plastic foam is a disaster for our ocean and environment. Act now and say farewell to foam so we can protect our ocean and beaches for generations to come.
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Breaking Free From Plastic Pollution

Take action and urge your members of Congress to curb the plastic pollution and climate crises before it’s too late. Our ocean, our climate, our communities and marine wildlife are counting on all of us.
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Protect the Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act was passed 50 years ago to safeguard endangered and threatened species and their habitats both in our ocean and on land. Call on your elected officials to protect the Endangered Species Act and safeguard endangered and threatened animals and their habitats before it’s too late.
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