Monterey Bay Aquarium, Ocean Conservancy, and Oceana Applaud Milestone in Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act Implementation

Leading ocean protection organizations strongly support adoption of regulations to solidify the United States’ boldest plastic …

STATEMENT: Ocean Conservancy Urges Congress to Pass the ReSCUE Oceans Act, Invest in Responsible Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Research

Bipartisan Bill Would Establish Government-Wide Framework for Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

STATEMENT: Ocean Conservancy Applauds U.S.’s Ambitious New National Climate Goal

Organization Urges Inclusion of Ocean Climate Solutions in Nationally Determined Contributions

STATEMENT: Ocean Conservancy Celebrates Passage of Coastal Habitat Conservation Act

Continued Success of Coastal Program More Critical Than Ever

STATEMENT: Ocean Conservancy Applauds Senate Introduction of the Plug Offshore Wells Act, Urges Action to Hold Oil and Gas Operators Accountable

New Legislation Critical Step Forward In Protecting the Ocean from Oil And Gas Operations

STATEMENT: Ocean Conservancy Applauds White House Maritime Action Plan

Amid Uncertainty, Ocean Conservancy Urges Future Action

NEWS: Ocean Conservancy Statement on Decision to Extend Plastics Treaty to Additional Round of Negotiations

BUSAN – Today, during the final plenary for the fifth round of United Nations negotiations (INC-5) …

STATEMENTS: Friends of the Ocean and Climate Members Deliver Joint Statement as COP29 Comes to a Close

Reaffirms Need for Ocean-Based Climate Solutions; Highlights Urgency of Finance

STATEMENT: Ocean Conservancy Urges Congress to Pass Zero Emission Vessel Innovation Act

New Legislation Would Fill Critical Gap in United States Clean Shipping Transition

STATEMENTS/ADVISORY: Ocean Conservancy Experts Head to Final Round of Plastics Treaty Negotiations in Busan

WASHINGTON – The United Nations will host the fifth and last scheduled round of negotiations (INC-5) for …

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