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About Us

Annie Wilcosky

Annie Wilcosky

Manager of Individual Philanthropy

Annie is a mission-driven philanthropy professional with more than six years of experience working to connect funders to the impact of their support. Born and raised in North Carolina’s Piedmont region, Annie spent much of her childhood outdoors, where she learned a deep and lasting appreciation for the natural world. She pursued this interest at Bowdoin College in coastal Maine, where she studied Earth and Oceanographic Science and Sociology and worked for the college’s Annual Giving Campaign. Annie has also worked at L.L. Bean’s flagship Freeport, Maine, store and at nonprofits including the Piedmont Environmental Council and Environment North Carolina (part of the Public Interest Network). In her free time, Annie enjoys hiking, reading and swimming in the ocean.

Favorite ocean animal: The Giant Pacific Octopus! On average, these cephalopods are about 12 feet in length and weigh more than 50 pounds. Octopuses are the only invertebrates known to exhibit play behavior, and they can learn to solve mazes, open jars, recognize people’s faces and even escape enclosures.

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