Eliminating Plastics in South Florida

Highlights and lessons from students working with businesses to eliminate plastics

What Americans Actually Think About Plastic Pollution

Informing action on plastic pollution using social science

Microplastics in Protein Products Concerns All Consumers

New Ocean Conservancy and University of Toronto Trash Team research found microplastics in nearly 90% of protein samples

What is Nitrogen Pollution?

How new fingerprinting research aims to reduce nitrogen pollution in Florida

Black Surf Santa Cruz Celebrates Third Annual Liberation Paddle Out

The celebration doubled as BSSC’s first birthday as a nonprofit

How Does El Niño Affect Fisheries?

El Niño challenges ocean ecosystems and fish

Florida Campaign for #PlasticFreeCities Begins in Miami

Community-driven effort to keep ocean and neighborhoods clean in the Sunshine State

Effects of Marine Debris on Remote Islands

More than 11,000 pounds of trash removed from Gasḵúu

How Are Fishery Managers Using Climate Data?

Climate information could help fisheries see bigger picture

How Can We Protect the North Pacific Right Whale?

NOAA Fisheries considers expanding critical habitat designation for one of the most endangered species on the planet: the North Pacific right whale

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