Get Loud for Trumpetfish

These tubular fish are masters of disguise

Four New Octopus Species Discovered off Costa Rica

Research team aboard Schmidt Ocean Institute research vessel encountered more than anticipated

What’s the Deal with Barnacles?

The secret lives of these curious crustaceans

Why are Oarfish Known as Doomsday Fish?

Meet one of the longest and most odd-looking fish in the sea

What is a Barrier Island?

Barrier islands like the Outer Banks are important … and at risk

Wild Facts About Algae

The fascinating truth about algae, some of Earth’s simplest organisms

The Truth About Oceanic Whitetip Sharks

Meet one of the most endangered sharks in the world

10 Fascinating Animals Found in Antarctica

Some of the world’s coolest creatures thrive in the one of the coldest ecosystems.

Fun Facts About Pufferfish

Meet one of the deadliest fish in the sea.

Meet the Real Ocean Animals of SpongeBob SquarePants

These cartoon critters may not live in a pineapple, but they definitely live under the sea

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