Crafting a Future Free of Plastics

We need greater ambition in the final round of global plastic treaty negotiations

What the Foam?!

The call for a national ban on polystyrene, also known as plastic foam

How Do We Solve the Plastic Pollution Crisis? Three (Not-So-Easy, but Straightforward) Steps

Reflecting on what we’ve learned in the 50 years since discovering the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

National Parks Ban Single-Use Plastics

A huge victory for our national wonders and our ocean

Stopping Ocean Plastic Pollution Starts With Us

New study shows the United States is a top contributor to coastal plastic pollution

Debunking Foodware Myths on America Recycles Day

Ocean Conservancy is taking on the takeout trash

TeamSeas Will Be Transformational for Our Ocean—Let’s Go!

Thousands of YouTube creators and millions of fans are joining together to remove 30 million pounds of trash from our beaches, rivers and ocean

Tackling Plastic Pollution in California

Four new bills in the Golden State will help protect our ocean

Where are the World’s Plastic Pollution Hotspots?

A new map shows global plastic pollution hotspots with data from the International Coastal Cleanup

We Need to Clean Up Our Recycling Crisis

Nearly 70% of trash found on beaches during the International Costal Cleanup is unrecyclable

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