11 Animals That’ll Thank You for Your Giving Tuesday Donation

Triple your impact for these iconic species during this season of giving

The season of giving has finally come! As we enter into a time of the year filled with friends, family and countless festivities, don’t forget that one of the biggest days of the year for nonprofit organizations is coming up on December 3rd: Giving Tuesday.

This is an incredibly special day for all of us at Ocean Conservancy. Giving Tuesday is an international day of giving celebrated annually on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. It’s a day when people from all over the world can stop to remember the causes that matter most to them. It’s widely considered the beginning of the “giving season,” and in honor of this special day, we’re doing something extra special

This Giving Tuesday, our board and generous donors have agreed to triple match all day-of donations on December 3rd up to $100,000! Don’t miss this chance to triple your impact for our ocean. Still need convincing? Check out these 11 sea critters who would be unequivocally grateful for your Giving Tuesday donation this year.

This dumbo octopus, who we’re 110% sure is waving at you right now.
“Hi friend, will you donate to save my home on Giving Tuesday?”

Source: GIPHY

This pinniped cutie patootie, who heard you were considering donating for Giving Tuesday.

Source: GIPHY

This fabulous feather star, a species of sea star renowned for doing this little ocean dance party. We think this particular dance is just for you, though … especially on Giving Tuesday!

Source: GIPHY

This humpback whale, who couldn’t help but jump for joy when he found out an ocean advocate like you was getting ready to donate to help save him and his buddies this year.

Source: GIPHY

This spinner dolphin, who’s very occupied doing a very similar sea spin-aroo. 
Can you blame her? You’re helping us save our ocean!

Source: GIPHY

This little snow bunny (an adorably wintery-looking type of sea slug), who picked its head right up at the thought of you becoming an ocean hero on Giving Tuesday this year!
Also … is this Olaf from Disney’s Frozen
We’re pretty sure it’s Olaf from Frozen.
Because it doesn’t have a skull. Or bones.

Source: GIPHY

These festive anemones, who scheduled a disco session with their friends to properly celebrate your Giving Tuesday donation. Helping save their homes in reef ecosystems?
Now that’s a reason to sea-lebrate!

Source: GIPHY

This cuddly sea otter specimen, who doubted you at first but now wants to know…
Will you really give to Ocean Conservancy this Giving Tuesday?
She’d be so otter-ly grateful.

Source: GIPHY

These teeny tiny turtle babies, who are even more stoked to reach the sea now that they know you’ll be helping save the precious places they call home!

Source: GIPHY

This super grateful cuttlefish, who looks like he’s trying to cuddle you, but he actually just gets really excited about Giving Tuesday and … acts like he’s a cast member in Star Wars.
Don’t tell him he’s not … we’re just letting him live his dream over there.
Regardless, we’re sure he’s beyond thrilled about your donation!

Source: GIPHY

This very enthused little crustacean.
He brought out his special ocean tippy-tap dance just for you this Giving Tuesday!

Source: GIPHY

Well, ocean friends, you’ve seen the evidence. There are so many marvelous marine wildlife species who you can help make a difference for this Giving TuesdayWill you send the love back to them with a donation this year? 

Let’s do this, #TeamOcean!

Shark costume not required for donation-giving.

But also definitely not discouraged. 


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