12 Weird and Wild Historical Illustrations of Fish

Many of these scientific illustrations of fish are hundreds of years old

Historical illustrations give us a glimpse into the scientific research of the past—and they can be very cool to look at!

We can view thousands of historical illustrations of marine life thanks to the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL). The BHL is the largest open-access digital library for biodiversity archives. They work with libraries around the world to offer millions of books dating back to the 15th century for free. The library is not only an incredible source of data for scientists—it brings scientific art into the homes of people around the world.

Previously, we dug through the BHL archives to bring you some of our favorite oceanshark, shell and cephalopod illustrations from the 18th and 19th centuries. Now, we’re bringing you our favorite cool and unusual illustrations of fish from the BHL!

You can explore the BHL too, by visiting their website and Flickr page.

opah historical illustration
deep sea fish historical illustration
eels historical illustration
deep sea batfish
mahi flying fish historical illustration
fish historical illustrations
nassau grouper historical illustration
two fish historical illustration
monkfish historical illustration
two blennies historical illustrations
assorted fishes historical illustrations
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