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Confronting Climate Change

Taking the ocean into account is critical for successfully addressing climate change, and addressing climate change is critical for the future of the ocean


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Justice40 and Water Equity in Florida

A case study of climate risk and water infrastructure investment in frontline coastal communities

Critical water infrastructure, like stormwater, wastewater and drinking water systems, in coastal regions is vulnerable to changing climate patterns and rising sea levels. Intense storms and flooding overwhelm water treatment facilities and storm drains, contaminating coastal waters and threatening public health. As a trusted convener of federal, state and community partners, Ocean Conservancy conducted a case study comparing climate exposure, water quality risk and EPA water infrastructure funding between disadvantaged and not-disadvantaged communities. The results of this study highlight disparities in exposure to water pollution and funding for critical infrastructure both between Florida regions and within the areas studied.

Read the report overview that highlights key information about case studies in the City of Jacksonville and Count of Miami-Dade.

Read the full report from Phase One of the Florida Justice40 Initiative which details the process, methods and results from all three case studies. The geospatial maps and interview results paint a dire picture of water infrastructure needs in Florida.

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