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About Us

Pasha Feinberg

Pasha Feinberg

Director of Renewable Energy
Washington, D.C.

In October 2023, Pasha Feinberg joined Ocean Conservancy as the first Director of Renewable Energy. Pasha has been working on responsible renewable energy development for the better part of a decade and has engaged on all major federal offshore wind processes in recent years, working to ensure that the best available science is informing offshore wind site selection, leasing, and build out. Prior to joining OC, she worked at the Clean Energy Buyers Association to educate corporates on responsibly developed renewable energy and remove market barriers for renewable energy globally. She also ran her own firm as an Offshore Wind & Wildlife Consultant and led Defenders of Wildlife’s responsible wind energy program.

Prior to settling into her current responsible renewable energy niche, Pasha conducted research in Mexico, Australia, Tanzania, Kenya, and the United States to better understand the relationships between biodiversity, human health, and ecosystem function and services. Pasha has Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Earth Systems from Stanford University.

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