What is a Gummy Squirrel?

Discover the deep-sea darling stealing our (candy) hearts

Oooh, Barracuda

A ferocious fish with a lot of heart

Eliminating Plastics in South Florida

Highlights and lessons from students working with businesses to eliminate plastics

The Mysterious World of Pyrosomes

Discover this glow-in-the-dark, self-cloning, filter-feeding ocean wonder

The Problems with Liquefied Natural Gas

There is no time to waste on false climate solutions like LNG

Awareness and Education: Bay-to-Sea Poster Competition

The Blacks of the Chesapeake Foundation and Ocean Conservancy partner on educational project “Bay to Sea”

Florida’s Daunting 2024 Hurricane Forecast

Record high ocean temperatures could lead to a dangerously active hurricane season

Four Animals That Live in the Dunes

Dunes are rich habitats with plenty of residents

Meet the Crown-of-Thorns Starfish

These venomous alien-like creatures are coral reef predators

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