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A Voice for our Ocean

RESTORE Council and Gulf Governors Deliver Key Comprehensive Plan Update

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RESTORE Council and Gulf Governors Deliver Key Comprehensive Plan Update
Conservation groups say plan sets Gulf ecosystems and economies on solid path toward restoration

(New Orleans, LA  – December 16, 2016) Today, the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration (RESTORE) Council approved its updated Comprehensive Plan to restore Gulf Coast ecosystems and their natural resource dependent economies following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster. The plan will serve as the guide for spending more than two billion dollars in restoration and recovery funds — an integral component of one of the largest ecosystem restoration programs in U.S. history.

National conservation organizations working on Gulf restoration — Environmental Defense Fund, the National Wildlife Federation, National Audubon Society, Ocean Conservancy and The Nature Conservancy — issued the following statement:

“With this plan, the RESTORE Council has shown the value of bringing people together to get results — across states, agencies and interests. The RESTORE Council, including the five Gulf state governors, has provided great leadership throughout the development of this Comprehensive Plan, which will help guide the region, its communities and ecosystems to a more resilient future for generations to come.

“The plan prioritizes large-scale restoration projects that will have far-reaching benefits to the environment — as well as the communities and industries that depend on healthy ecosystems.

“Our organizations look forward to continuing to work with the RESTORE Council, leaders and community members across all Gulf states to help see this plan through to implementation. The revised plan is good for the people, wildlife and industries of the Gulf region.”

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Trishna Gurung


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Julia Roberson



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