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A Voice for our Ocean

STATEMENT: “100% Clean Ocean Energy,” Ocean Conservancy at Our Ocean 2023

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Panama City, Panama – The following statement was issued by Kacky Andrews, Ocean Conservancy’s Chief of Strategy, at the conclusion of the Our Ocean 2023 conference hosted by the government of Panama this week:  

“Ocean Conservancy is excited to lead the global community effort around a rapid, responsible and just transition to 100% clean ocean energy by 2050, which we announced at Our Ocean 2023, in addition to our continued commitment to reduce plastic pollution and prevent ghost gear.  

“We are encouraged by the significant commitments made this year and call for redoubled efforts to improve access, inclusion and financial assistance to those most affected by the interconnected crises of climate change and plastic pollution plaguing our ocean. 

“This annual gathering remains an important venue for the global community to come together and strengthen our commitment to protect our ocean for people, wildlife and the planet.” 



  • At Our Ocean 2023, Ocean Conservancy joined the Global Offshore Wind Alliance, the Global Ghost Gear Initiative signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Republic of Panama, and American Express announced funding for three new cities to join Ocean Conservancy’s Urban Ocean project. 
  • Ocean Conservancy’s Global Ghost Gear Initiative will be leading a ghost gear retrieval at Taboga Island on March 4, 2023. B-roll, photos and issue experts will be available upon request.  

About Ocean Conservancy
Ocean Conservancy is working to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together with our partners, we create evidence-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it. For more information, visit, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. 


Media Contact

Cody Sullivan


Media Contact

Roya Hegdahl



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