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A Voice for our Ocean

STATEMENT: Biden’s Ocean Climate Action Plan Puts the Ocean at the Center of Climate Policy

We're thrilled to finally see a national-level plan detailing how the U.S. can harness the ocean’s potential to provide climate solutions and protect coastal communities from climate change impacts.

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Washington, DC – The following statement was issued by Anna-Marie Laura, Ocean Conservancy’s Senior Director of Climate Policy, in response to the Biden Administration announcing its Ocean Climate Action Plan:  

“We at Ocean Conservancy are thrilled to finally see a national-level plan detailing how the U.S. can harness the ocean’s potential to provide climate solutions and protect coastal communities from climate change impacts. By releasing a first of its kind Ocean Climate Action Plan, the Biden Administration is reorganizing often siloed agency efforts into a concrete action plan that puts the ocean at the forefront of climate policy where it needs to be.  

“It’s clear and encouraging that the Administration and its Ocean Policy Committee listened to the ocean community when drafting the plan. They adopted community recommendations and included pivotal ocean-based mitigation strategies such as the responsible development of marine renewable energy, green shipping and protecting blue carbon as well as adaptation measures for climate-ready fisheries, climate adaptive marine protected areas and enhancing coastal resilience. As one of the world’s largest contributors to climate change the Ocean Climate Action Plan will help the U.S. deliver on our global commitments to address the climate crisis.  

“We’re very excited to see over 200 specific recommendations for future ocean climate action and look forward to working with the Administration to make sure it follows through on its plan and the Biden Administration’s existing promise to advance environmental justice. As we continue to address climate change, we must make sure the long-term wellbeing of the ocean and everyone who relies on it remains the guiding principle.” 


Anna-Marie Laura is available for interviews upon request.  


  • Ocean Conservancy and many other ocean organizations created a Blueprint for Ocean Climate Action that informed the development of the Ocean Climate Action Plan. 
  • The Ocean Policy Committee (OPC) created the Ocean Climate Action Plan. OPC is a White House level committee tasked with managing the environmental and economic health of our ocean. This is the first official product released since the OPC was formalized into law as part of the National Defense Authorization Act in January 2021. Prior to 2021 it only functioned through executive actions. 

About Ocean Conservancy
Ocean Conservancy is working to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together with our partners, we create evidence-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it. For more information, visit, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.   

Media Contact

Cody Sullivan



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