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A Voice for our Ocean

STATEMENTS: Ocean Conservancy Scientists and Policy Experts Comment on Key Outcomes of the UN Plastics Treaty Negotiations

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OTTAWA, Canada – With the fourth round of United Nations negotiations (INC-4) for an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution—the “global plastics treaty”—wrapping up in Ottawa, Canada, experts from Ocean Conservancy made the following statements:

Felipe E. Victoria, Senior Manager, Multilateral Affairs, International Policy, said:

“The plastics treaty is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to end the plastics pollution crisis. Ocean Conservancy is glad to see so much progress made during this round of negotiations. There was strong support for important measures to eliminate intentionally added microplastics, redesign plastics for recyclability, address ghost gear, and implement the treaty. However, we hope to see increased attention in the coming intersessional work on reducing primary plastic polymers (the building blocks made to produce plastic), secondary microplastics, and chemicals of concern.
“We are cautiously optimistic that the process will remain on track in the lead-up to the next and final round of negotiations in November (INC 5). The next few months will be negotiations on steroids, and we look forward to our continued engagement in intersessional working groups and other sessions before INC-5.”
Dr. Anja Brandon, Associate Director of U.S. Plastics Policy, said:
“As the number one generator of plastic waste, the U.S. has the opportunity and responsibility to lead both in the plastics treaty and at home. For the plastics treaty to meet the ocean plastic pollution crisis with the urgency it demands, it must include strong mandates to reduce the amount of plastic we are making and using in the first place.
“I want to express my deep gratitude for the U.S. policymakers, from members of Congress to state legislators and mayors, who showed up and advocated for a strong, comprehensive, and enforceable treaty that includes strong measures to curb plastic production.”
Ingrid Giskes, Senior Director of the Global Ghost Gear Initiative, said
“As the deadliest form of plastic pollution to marine life, we are thankful to see measures to address ghost gear receive continued support in the plastics treaty. During the most recent round of negotiations, there was an increased focus on the full life cycle of fishing and aquaculture gear and provisions around gear design, marking, loss reporting, end-of-life management, disposal, and retrieval are now being negotiated in the text.
“There is still room for improvement, however, and Ocean Conservancy’s Global Ghost Gear Initiative encourages U.N. Member States to consider increased measures that include traceability, a mandatory ‘no fault’ reporting system, and ensuring all provisions on plastics in the treaty also apply to fishing and aquaculture gear.”

CONTACT: For interviews or information, please contact Roya Fox ([email protected], 202-280-6285).



Ocean Conservancy is working to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together with our partners, we create evidence-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it. For more information, visit or follow us on Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), or Facebook.

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Roya Fox




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