Star Athletes from WNBA, NFL, MLB, Paralympics and More Kickstart Ocean Conservancy’s “Protect Where We Play” Initiative to Rally Sports and Entertainment Fans Behind the Planet’s MVP: The Ocean

Ocean Conservancy’s New Multi-Year Initiative Draws Attention to Role Ocean Plays in Supplying Fresh Air and …

STATEMENT: Ocean Conservancy responds to debunked ethics claims, vows to keep cleaning our beaches and waterways

WASHINGTON – In response to a letter sent by the “Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust” …

NEWS: Ocean Conservancy Welcomes New Chief Development Officer, Chief Operating Officer

Shawn Castellanos and Chiko Scozzafava to Serve as Organization’s CDO and COO, Respectively

NEWS: Ocean Conservancy Welcomes New Vice President of Climate

Dr. Fatima Candace Vahlsing, A Former White House and USAID Advisor, Will Lead Organization’s Work to Promote Ocean Climate Solutions

STATEMENT: Ocean Conservancy Reacts to Executive Actions Impacting Our Ocean

WASHINGTON – On the first day of his second term in office, President Trump announced a …

STATEMENT: Ocean Conservancy Celebrates EPA Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation Announcement

EPA Decision a Win for Health of the Ocean, Californians

STATEMENT: Today’s Treasury Department Regulations to “Unleash the Power” of American Offshore Wind and Other Marine Renewable Energy Development

WASHINGTON – Today, the Department of the Treasury made public final regulations securing the availability of …

STATEMENT: Ocean Conservancy Applauds Biden Administration’s Robust Protections of U.S. Waters from Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling

WASHINGTON – Today, the Biden Administration announced it will protect more than 600 million acres of …

STATEMENT: California and Oregon Ban Plastic Foam Foodware, Making Entire West Coast Foam Foodware Free

Ocean Conservancy Data Show Plastic Foam is One of the Most Common Forms of Plastic Pollution …

Monterey Bay Aquarium, Ocean Conservancy, and Oceana Applaud Milestone in Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act Implementation

Leading ocean protection organizations strongly support adoption of regulations to solidify the United States’ boldest plastic …

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