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About Us

Britta Baechler, Ph.D.

Britta Baechler, Ph.D.

Director, Ocean Plastics Research

Areas of Expertise

  • Marine debris
  • Impacts of plastic pollution on wildlife and ecosystems
  • Microplastics science and research
  • Marine ecology


  • Ph.D., Earth Environment and Society- Portland State University
  • BA, Biology- Lewis & Clark College

Britta serves as Director of Ocean Plastics Research at Ocean Conservancy. She is based in Portland, Oregon, and loves living only a few hours away from the diverse ecosystems and recreational opportunities the Pacific Northwest has to offer. In her role, Britta works across Ocean Conservancy programs and with external researchers to develop a policy-relevant research agenda and contribute new insights to the growing body of science on ocean plastic pollution. She leads primary research on varied topics related to the impacts of plastic pollution, including the prevalence of microplastics in the human food system, wildlife benefits of plastic cleanups, movement of floating plastics and public knowledge and perceptions of the issue. Britta also serves as adjunct faculty with University of Toronto’s Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences and Portland State University’s Environmental Science and Management Department. Britta earned her undergraduate degree at Lewis & Clark College and doctorate at Portland State University. Her broad interests at the intersections of plastic pollution, fisheries and fishing communities have been longstanding; as such, Britta’s recent doctoral work focused on determining the ecological and social dimensions of microplastics in Pacific Northwest seafood. She has been primarily focused on studying plastic pollution since 2016, but also carries more than a decade of experience working in fisheries management and broader marine conservation, having served in roles including Assistant Area Management Biologist for Shellfish in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region of Alaska and Marine Protected Area Coordinator in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands.

Favorite Thing About the Ocean

I grew up in a beautiful, small-town, coastal Alaskan community. Each day I spent there poring through tidepools and exploring mucky tidal flats fueled my imagination and love for the ocean and the incredible diversity of living resources it supports. This love has guided me into an ocean-centric career focused on many of its facets including sustainable fisheries, marine protected areas and a healthier, plastic-free ocean. My favorite thing about the ocean is the many odd and unusual critters I’ve encountered—and continue to encounter—around the world (nudibranchs, leafy sea dragons, Napoleon wrasse and Manta rays, to name a few!). My favorite thing about my career in ocean conservation is the community of people that work tirelessly to protect it. This community not only includes marine conservation practitioners, but also ocean stewards around the world that choose to leave the beaches and coastal areas they visit better than they found them every time. These people really give me hope that I (and my daughter, my son, and my dog!) will continue to make memories in beautiful coastal places and enjoy delicious food from the sea for many years to come.

Select Scientific Publications

Milne, M.H., De Frond, H., Rochman, C.M., Mallos, N.J., Leonard, G.H., Baechler, B.R. 2024. Exposure of U.S. adults to microplastics from commonly-consumed proteins. Environmental Pollution 343, 123233.

Baechler, B.R., De Frond, H., Dropkin, L., Leonard, G.H., Proano, L., Mallos, N.J., 2024. Public awareness and perceptions of ocean plastic pollution and support for solutions in the United States. Front. Mar. Sci. 10.

Walker, T.R., Baechler, B.R., Markley, L., Grünzner, M., Akuoko, I.S.G., Bowyer, C., Menzel, C., Muntaha, S.T., Macdonald, A., Allen, D., Cowan, E., 2023. Plastic Pulse of the Public: A review of survey-based research on how people use plastic. Cambridge Prisms: Plastics 1, e8.

Baechler, B. R., E. F. Granek, K. A. Carlin-Morgan, T. E. Smith, and M. Nielsen-Pincus. 2021. Aquarium Visitor Engagement with an Ocean Plastic Exhibit: Effects on Self-Reported Single-Use Plastic Reduction and Plastic-Related Environmental Stewardship Actions. Environmental Education Research

Baechler, B. R., E. F. Granek, S. J. Mazzone, M.Nielsen-Pincus, S. M. Brander. 2020. Microplastic Exposure by Razor Clam Recreational Harvester-Consumers Along a Sparsely Populated Coastline. Frontiers in Marine Science

Baechler, B. R., C. D. Steinbarger, D. A. Horn, J. Joseph, A. R. Taylor, E. F. Granek, S. M. Brander. 2020. Microplastic occurrence and effects in commercially harvested North American finfish and shellfish: Current knowledge and future directions.Limnology and Oceanography: Letters (Invited paper)

Baechler B. R., E. F. Granek, M. V. Hunter, and K. E. Conn. 2020. Microplastic Concentrations in Two Oregon Bivalve Species: Spatial, Temporal, and Species Variability. Limnology and Oceanography: Letters (Invited paper)  

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