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Human Impact: Whether it’s a storm surge due to climate change, or fishing gear removed from a local waterway, how are humans making an impact on our ocean? Rescue efforts, trash cleanups, marine pollution, oil spills, etc. Send in your photos to inspire individuals to take action for our ocean.
Marine Wildlife: Goblin shark glamour shorts? Sea slug selfies? Porpoise portraits? We love to see ’em ALL. Submit your most amazing photos of ocean wildlife for your chance to win.
Spectacular Seascapes: From coral reefs to sensational sunsets, send us your awe-inspiring photos of our ocean.
The Judges Choice—Our Grand Prize: $1,500 cash prize Finalists will be selected by a panel of judges from among the eligible entries based on the quality of the contestant’s entry and how well the images convey the theme of the contest. The panel will select one grand prize winner. All decisions of the judging panels are final. You do not need to collect votes to win the Judges Category.
Category Winners: $300 cash prize One entry will be selected by the voters as winners in each of our three categories: Human Impact, Marine Wildlife and Spectacular Seascapes. The eligible submissions that received the most eligible votes during the Voting Period will be deemed the winner in each of the three categories.
All winning photos will be featured on the Ocean Conservancy website and social media. The Judge’s Choice winner will be featured in Ocean Conservancy’s 2026 calendar, and category winners may be selected to appear in Ocean Conservancy’s 2026 calendar.