The Bering Strait region teems with marine mammals, from bowhead and beluga whales to walruses, polar bears and ringed seals.
An Abundance of Marine Mammals
These marine mammals are also important to food security and the culture of Iñupiat, Central Yup’ik, Cup’ik, St. Lawrence Island Yupik, and Chukchi Peoples of this region.
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Walrus Haulout Areas Map
This map shows walrus haulout areas in this region. Walrus rest out of water between feedings, usually on sea ice. But shrinking ice coverage means they’re increasingly forced to congregate on land in groups known as “haulouts.”
More Ship Traffic, More Underwater Noise
Until recently, the underwater environment of the Arctic remained relatively free of human-generated noise.
However, underwater noise caused by vessel traffic, military use of sonar, seismic exploration and resource extraction is increasing in the region.
This can interfere with marine mammals’ ability to use sound for communication, echolocation and avoiding predators. It can disturb feeding, resting, mating, and migration practices and mask hearing or cause temporary or permanent hearing loss, as well as physiological stress.
More underwater noise may hinder marine mammals’ ability to detect approaching vessels, possibly increasing the risk of ship strikes.
A Busy Marine Gateway
Increased Risk of Ship Strikes
As more vessels travel through the narrow Bering Strait, threats to wildlife increase.
For example, bowhead whales migrate through the Bering Strait in the fall, which is also a busy time for vessel traffic. That increases the risk of ship strikes that can injure or kill these large, slow-moving whales.
What Does a Bowhead Whale Sound Like?
Bowhead whales sing elaborate, freeform songs, causing researchers to call them the “jazz musicians” of the Arctic.
Audio Player
What Does an Icebreaker Sound Like Underwater?
Loud noises from an icebreaker’s propellers and engines can be harmful to marine mammals.
Adverse Impacts on a Way of Life
Increased shipping also threatens subsistence hunting and fishing practices that are essential for the food security and cultural practices of many Alaska Native communities.

Photo By: Paul Souders / World Foto

Photo By: Nik Wheeler

Photo By: Michele and Tom Grimm

Photo By: Hal Gage

Photo By: Doug Ogden

Photo By: Clark Mishler

Photo By: Clark Mishler

Photo By: Steven Kazlowski

Photo By: Steven Kazlowski

Photo By: Steven Kazlowski


Less Ice, More Ships = New Challenges
“Improving shipping safety will help protect the Bering Strait for future generations.”

Janis Searles Jones, CEO Ocean Conservancy