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A Voice for our Ocean

STATEMENT: Companies Pledge to Keep Their Shipments Out of the Arctic

DHL, Inditex, Fisker, FGI Universal and Hillebrand-Gori are the latest companies to sign on to the Arctic Shipping Pledge.

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Lisbon, Portugal – At the UN Ocean Conference, Ocean Conservancy announced that DHL, Inditex, Fisker, FGI Universal and Hillebrand-GORI signed on to Ocean Conservancy’s Arctic Shipping Pledge. By signing on to the Pledge, these companies join 22 others in committing to not ship their products through the Arctic. Whit Sheard, Shipping Emissions Senior Director at Ocean Conservancy, released the following statement regarding the addition of these latest companies:

“With melting sea ice opening potential new shipping routes through the Arctic, it’s important that the global community, and particularly the private sector, protects this irreplaceable and unique region of our planet and ocean. Shipping presents a twofold threat to the Arctic by increasing the risk of shipping accidents and oil spills as well as the emission of greenhouse gases and black carbon, which will further accelerate the effects of climate change.

“Trans-shipment through the region provides no economic benefit to remote Arctic communities, who already bear the brunt of the rapidly changing local environment and would face potentially devastating consequences from oil spills, identified by the Arctic Council as one of the largest threats to the region.

“We’re excited for these five companies to sign on to the Arctic Shipping Pledge. Their combined global footprint is extraordinary and keeping their products and shipments out of the Arctic will lessen the stress we’re placing on these fragile ecosystems so that they can adapt and survive in rapidly changing conditions as best as they can. We hope that the commitment to our ocean and Arctic these companies are displaying will help encourage more to sign on and join us as we work for a healthier ocean and Arctic.”


Ocean Conservancy experts are available for interviews.

Notes to Editor:

  • The full text of the Arctic Shipping Pledge is available here.
  • 42.7% of the world’s liner fleet has signed on to the Pledge.

About Ocean Conservancy
Ocean Conservancy is working to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together with our partners, we create science-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it. For more information, visit, or follow us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

Media Contact

Cody Sullivan



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