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Humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae
Humpback whales communicate through their iconic “songs.” Their songs are longer and more intricate than any others in the animal kingdom.
Ringed Seal Pusa hispida
Ringed seals are the smallest seal species. Their name was given due to the light-colored circular patterns that appear on their backs.
North Pacific Right Whale Eubalaena japonica
North Pacific right whales can grow up to 49 feet in length. It is estimated there are fewer than 350 North Pacific right whales remaining in the wild.
Northern Fur Seal Callorhinus ursinus
Northern fur seals spend almost half the year out at sea. To sleep, they roll over to their back and stick their fins out to float.
Manatee Trichechus manatus
Sometimes referred to as a sea cow, a manatee can grow to be up to 10 feet long and weigh up to 1,200 pounds. Learn more about ocean wildlife.
Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus
Bottlenose dolphins are called "the Einstein of the sea" because they are incredibly intelligent. Learn more with this ocean wildlife factsheet.
North Atlantic Right Whale Eubalaena glacialis
Weighing up to 70 tons, the North Atlantic right whale is one of the world’s largest animals.
Hawaiian Monk Seal Neomonachus schauinslandi
Hawaiian monk seals are one of the most endangered marine mammals in the world. Learn more about ocean wildlife with these factsheets.
Sperm Whale Physeter macrocephalus
Sperm whales are the largest of the toothed whales. They're longer than the average transit bus. Their head makes up one third of their body.
California Sea Lion Zalophus californianus
California sea lions are one of the noisiest of the pinniped species, which include seals, sea lions and walruses. Learn more with wildlife factsheets.
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